4-16-08 Plant a Tree Day
In order to further the beauty of OCS and add
life to the facility, Offshore Cleaning Systems held Plant a Tree
Day on Friday, April 11th. All available OCS employees helped
landscape in front of the newly built fence on the side of the
main office. Over 45 plants took root at the hands of office
and shop personnel. A big THANK YOU goes out to all who took
part in making the event a success.

2-3-08 OCS Recognized in Local
Community for Fitness Center
Read The Article!
Click Here!
1-17-08 OCS and United Blood Services Blood Drive
Offshore Cleaning Systems was proud to donate
blood to the United Blood Services Blood Drive. OCS employees
took time throughout the morning to once again give back to the
community donating nine units of blood. Both blood
and red blood cells were taken which will help save the lives of
people who are experiencing medical difficulties in the future.

1-12-08 API Rodeo
The 2nd annual API Team Roping Rodeo was held
at the Grand Casino Coushatta Resort in Kinder, LA on January 12th. Offshore
Cleaning Systems assisted the rodeo by sponsoring Jason Frederick
who place 2nd overall in this years event. OCS also took
part by cooking breakfast burritos, competing in a gumbo cook-off,
and by providing entertainment throughout the course of the event. A
large portion of the event's profits will go towards a scholarship
fund to help high school graduates, related to the oilfield, to
attend a college of their choosing. OCS thanks the API for
the opportunity to support our oilfield community.
1-12-08 API Rodeo
The 2nd annual API Team Roping Rodeo was held
at the Grand Casino Coushatta Resort in Kinder, LA on January 12th. Offshore
Cleaning Systems assisted the rodeo by sponsoring Jason Frederick
who place 2nd overall in this years event. OCS also took
part by cooking breakfast burritos, competing in a gumbo cook-off,
and by providing entertainment throughout the course of the event. A
large portion of the event's profits will go towards a scholarship
fund to help high school graduates, related to the oilfield, to
attend a college of their choosing. OCS thanks the API for
the opportunity to support our oilfield community.
Congratulations Jason!

1-2-08 SandSweeper
OCS successfully installed SandSweeper Manifold
#4 on December 17th, 2007. The jetting manifold was installed
into the "vertically orientated" L.P. Separator, located on Anglo
Suisse's MI-632 Platform. The installation was competed in
5 hours after initial cleaning by our conventional means.
OCS had the pre-fabricated pipe and parts to complete
the "rough" fabrication of the manifold and completed it's construction
prior to leaving for the job. We are looking to get usable
data from this newest installation, which in turn should help our
advertising efforts with actual cleaning testimonials. The
job was acquired by Mr. Rodney Richeaux of our sales staff. Thanks
Rodney for your continued efforts in promoting SandSweeper! Brett
Frederick, Dustin Fontenot, Promise Dominic, & Nick Abshire
made up the pre-cleaning and installation crew for the SandSweeper
installation. Thanks Guys for an AWESOME JOB!!!
The SandSweeper Division is currently working
with our nozzle manufacturer in producing the new nozzle designs.
In addition, the fabrication of the Independent Bracing Assemblies
designed for vessels with interior obstructions (i.e. : baffling
and anti-foaming plates) is also shortly forthcoming.
10-27-07 Offshore Cleaning Systems Job Fair
Offshore Cleaning Systems will host a job fair
at our home office on Saturday 27th from 10am - 3pm. Available
positions include experienced Supervisors and Cleaning Technicians. We
will be giving away door prizes as well as serving refreshments
underneath the canopy of our Entertainment Trailer. Please
join us for a day of fun, food, music, and career advancement!
7-23-07 UL Softball Golf Scramble
Le Triomphe played host to a shotgun start golf
scramble on a beautiful Monday afternoon in support of the UL Softball
program. Offshore Cleaning Systems was proud to attend and
contributed by serving food and drinks to golfers from the cool
shade of the OCS Entertainment Trailer. The event was a huge
success with sunny skies and a slight breeze blowing all day. OCS
is once again happy to give back to the community and looks forward
to watching the Lady Cajuns succeed in the upcoming season.

5-1-07 SandSweeper Patent
Offshore Cleaning Systems' automated desanding
technology receives issuance of patent # 7,210,488 B2 by the United
States Patent and Trademark Office.
Offshore Cleaning Systems is proud to announce
that we have been awarded the patent on our SandSweeper Technology.
Congratulations to everyone at Offshore Cleaning
Systems for such an outstanding achievement!
the PDF
3-24-07 Golden Gloves Championship
Lafayette High played host to the area's Golden
Gloves Championship. The event lasted two days and included
a wide variety of age groups, weight classes, and skill levels. The
Golden Gloves organization is a great way to get kids into a
controlled, organized environment that promotes positive sportsmanship
with all profits being used to promote the development of amateur
boxing. Offshore Cleaning Systems helped sponsor this esteemed
event and wishes its combatants the best in fights & years
to come.

3-3-07 LOBI Tournament
Offshore Cleaning Systems took part in the 2007
LOBI Fishing Tournament at Cypress Bend State Park. The
Louisiana Oilmen's Bass Invitational was established with the
sincere desire to promote fun and fellowship among the members
of our industry, whether active or retired. The tournament
was a huge success with 700 teams participating and no rain all
weekend. OCS took part by helping sponsor the event, sponsoring
a team, and also establishing a home for the event headquarters. All
weighing, tracking, registration, etc. was done from the comfort
of the OCS Entertainment Trailer. Offshore Cleaning looks
forward to being the heart of next year's headquarters as well.
