Follow Us On:

P.O. Box 51303
Lafayette, LA 70505

Got questions? We've got answers! Here's a list of the most common questions we get, if you have one that you don't see answered here, please contact us and get the answers you need.

Do I have to sign a contract?
No, this option is up to you.  You will have various options to choose from.

Are my pets safe with your treatment?
Yes, our methods of treatment are with you and yours in mind, if we believe that the treatment may affect you, your family, or pets in anyway; we will give you advance notice.

Does Homeowners insurance cover Termite or Rodent damage?
Not usually.  You will want to check with your insurance provider to see if you have any type of coverage

Does your company write termite damage warranties?

I do not like pesticides around my house, is there anything else that your company can do?
Absolutely, our techniques are customized to your needs and wants. 

What causes termites?
Moisture, dirt, cellulose debris, and many environmental factors cause termites. 

Do you have financing options?
Yes, we will try our best to accommodate payment options.

Any other questions? Just give us a call or drop an email.


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